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What I implemented in my classroom


Free Voluntary Reading (FVR). Students choose what they want to read in the target language. 


To expose my students to more comprehensible input and improve their achievement in Spanish class.


Weekly reading, tracking with reading logs, collaboration, culturally responsive teaching practices


FVR was implemented twice a week for 8 weeks. 

What was implemented?

I implemented free response reading time in my class with my students. Free Voluntary Response Reading (FVR) gave students the choice of reading material in the target language. FVR was a short period of reading that occurred several times a week during class. In my classroom, we spent 10 minutes usually twice a week.

When was it implemented?

My students spent 10 minutes reading almost every class between Friday, January 31 to Friday, March 6, 2020. In total, I collected data for my study from January 27th to March 10th, 2020.

I implemented FVR because it is a researched method that gives students comprehensible input. I noticed that my students were struggling with vocabulary and comprehending texts in Spanish. Many students would get frustrated and quit or try to use translators for every word. I wanted my students to both be successful and grow more confident in their language ability skills.


FVR has been shown to improve students' confidence in reading in a foreign language, as well as improve their vocabulary. Dr. Krashen, the founder of the second language acquisition theory, has conducted research on FVR and concluded that it improves reading comprehension, writing style, vocabulary, and spelling/control of grammar. Other studies have shown that students benefit the most in terms of reading when the teacher reads aloud to the class, an assortment of books were available, FVR was scheduled, and incentives were used to motivate students (Anderson, Wilson, and Fielding, 1988).

Why were these strategies chosen?


How was it implemented?

Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices

To implement FVR, I first had to establish an equitable and accessible learning environment. I set clear expectations from day one about what reading time would look like. Expectations included: no talking, no leaving the room, no technology, no sleeping. We started class with a warmup and immediately following moved into reading time. Students read for 10 minutes and completed their logs at the same time. I found that this worked well because students were reading at different paces, and having the reading log present made them more engaged for the full time. We practiced these guidelines until it became a normal routine. By doing this, I conveyed the importance of reading to aide comprehension. When students understand the meaning behind what they are doing, it can be very powerful and influencing in their behavior and motivation. 


I implemented FVR by creating a supply of texts in Spanish within my classroom. I had to be mindful of my students' background when selecting texts. I pulled from a variety of sources and also included a variety of genres and perspectives. I included fiction, historical texts, and nonfiction, along with different topics that were relevant to my students (sports, current music, etc). Students were allowed to select their own text from the reading bin. Giving students choice in what they read was empowering and increased motivation. I had different levels of text difficulty to accommodate the various levels of students, especially those who are English language learners (ELL). Occasionally, we did some cooperative learning strategies, where students would discuss what they had read within groups following guided discussion questions. All of these methods benefited my students because I had both ELL students and also those with a wide range of abilities. The choice of text related to the main theme of my study which was allowing students to read what they wanted and were interested in.

During my study, I collaborated with both internal and external stakeholders. Internally, I collaborated with my department, other teachers within my district, and my principal. I met weekly with my professional learning community (PLC) and shared my successes and asked for advice regarding structures and procedures for reading time. They shared their ideas related to their experiences with comprehensible input and management strategies. My principal reviewed my action plan and saw my research in action during my formal observation. She provided feedback which helped me make necessary changes.

Externally, I collaborated with my university professors and my cadre associate. My professors gave me feedback during each step of the action research process. Their support allowed me to reflect and grow as I developed this project. My cadre associate met with me weekly to check on progress and assisted in wherever I needed help.

Collaboration & Stakeholders

High Fives

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